Empowering Elderly

slider 6Helping Older People Live With Dignity
It is our duty to care for our elders responsibly, to treat them with dignity, and to provide them with the highest level of care possible.

We work for disadvantaged old age people in various locations. We reach out to destitute elderly people and help them to overcome poverty; in times of natural calamities such as floods we rescue the very old and very young people, who are the most vulnerable. We provide basic nursing care for those destitutes and elderly who need it.

A day in the life of a senior citizen depends on a lot of factors – how independent is he or she – can he/she see very well, can he/she walk well, or with difficulty or not at all. Can he/she take care of his/her activities of daily living. These factors also play a big role when you are looking for activities to occupy their time and give them a better quality of life. However, given a few physical constraints that go with age, this is the right time and opportunity to make them undertake the activities that they have been fond of and have been wanting to do in their younger and adult life, but could not because they got stuck with the daily pressures of job, or looking after a home, children, family etc.

If you are an NGO, who share our views and looking out for support or if you want to help older people live with dignity, please get in touch with us.

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